Here comes another milestone. We're finally in a new month, July, the seventh of the 12 months. To some, this is just another month. And to others, this is a cruel reminder that they're yet to achieve most of the things they want.
I just want to tell you to breatheeeeeeeeee. As you're reading this, take a deep breath. Hold it in. Hold it. Still hold it. Now releaseeeeee.
See ehn, you can't come and kill yourself. Unless you actually want to unalive yourself... But that's beside the point here. Take every new month like a clean slate. Another chance to accomplish more things and take more steps towards your goals.
We focus so much on the things we don't have, that we lose sight of the things we do have. Okay, maybe you're not yet working at your dream job. But you have a warm bed to sleep in at night and can eat most of the things you want.
It may seem like a small thing, but isn't it the little things that matter the most? ( Yes, I went to google to complete this line)
For example, whenever I think of the fact I haven't gotten to my weight goal, I remind myself midway that at least I don't have a potbelly. Whenever I think that I want to earn more money, I remind myself that I'm earning almost triple what I was earning last year.
Yes, it's fine to want more, but also remember to be grateful and relax. Enjoy life, and don't rush the process.
So Happy New Month, folks, folx, things and every other species reading this. I wish you all the WINS and good news you could possibly get.
Also, please consider subscribing to my newsletter. I just started, and I'm excited to see where it goes.
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