How was your old you?
Was meant to be writing and getting work done but instead, I was virtual stalking someone because they intrigued me.... I went through their ( the victim of my stalking? ) blog and saw how they changed over the years and thought, " how was I 2 years ago?" Was I more naive, happy, tolerating, you know an unrefined version of my present self... and from what I read it seems like the me from 2 years ago was more strict and angry. I'm not as angry as I was in 2018 because honestly, I no get energy for too much stress. I love the fact that 2018 me isn't such a stark contrast from my present self that I'll be wondering " wtf did I ever think that way " In fact, I still carry most of her opinions and I hope I haven't become worse or anything like that. Lemme just start using age abeg. 16 year old me was sensible enough for 18 years old me to understand. I know I'll make more mistakes and experience a lot more so I can't wait to see what I'll ...